

Silver’s the New Gold as Startups Rejig CXO Portfolio

As startups mature, they increasingly value experienced professionals in leadership roles to stabilize growth and enhance sustainability.

Source and citation: ET Bureau

TLDR For This Article:

Startups are shifting from a preference for youthful leaders to more experienced professionals, especially in critical roles, to ensure sustainability and prepare for public listings.

Silver’s the New Gold as Startups Rejig CXO Portfolio

Analysis of this news for a layman:

Startups, typically known for their young founders and teams, are now hiring more experienced professionals for senior roles. This shift is driven by the need for seasoned leadership to handle finance, compliance, and regulatory functions as these companies prepare for public offerings and seek sustainable growth. This trend suggests a maturation within the startup ecosystem, recognizing the value of experience in navigating complex business environments.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Investment Appeal: Startups with experienced leaders might be seen as safer investments, potentially attracting more conservative investors.
  • Market Confidence: The presence of seasoned professionals can instill confidence in a startup’s stability and longevity, positively impacting stock performance post-IPO.
  • Diversification Opportunities: Investors might have more diversified options within the startup space, with companies showcasing different strengths based on their leadership dynamics.

Impact on Industries:

  • Executive Search and Recruitment: Increased demand for experienced executives can boost the business of firms specializing in C-suite recruitment.
  • Education and Training: There may be growing demand for mid-career training programs that prepare executives for roles in innovative and tech-driven companies.
  • Consulting and Legal Services: As startups shore up their compliance and regulatory frameworks, there will be more opportunities for consulting firms that specialize in these areas.

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Increased Stability: Experienced leaders can bring stability and a strategic approach to startups, potentially reducing the high failure rate in this sector.
  • Enhanced Governance: With seasoned professionals, startups are likely to have better corporate governance, which is crucial for long-term success.


  • Cultural Shifts: Integrating older, experienced professionals into traditionally youthful company cultures can lead to tensions and adjustments.
  • Cost Implications: Hiring top-tier talent can be expensive, increasing operational costs for startups that are already managing tight budgets.

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Immediate Expertise: Experienced hires can quickly implement systems and structures necessary for scaling and regulatory compliance.
  • Investor Relations: Startups approaching IPOs can leverage the experience of seasoned executives to navigate the complex process and engage effectively with investors.


  • Adjustment Period: Short-term disruptions may occur as new executives adjust to the startup environment, which could temporarily affect productivity.
  • Resource Allocation: Significant resources might be diverted to integrate and accommodate senior leadership, impacting other strategic initiatives.

Companies Potentially Affected by Shift in Startup Hiring Practices

The article discusses a trend of startups hiring more experienced professionals for leadership roles. This shift could benefit some companies and hinder others.

Indian Companies That May Gain:

  • Established Professionals (40s & 50s): Professionals with experience in finance, compliance, legal, and marketing could see increased demand from startups seeking their expertise.
  • Executive Search Firms (Fidius Advisory, Longhouse Consulting): These firms specializing in placing senior executives could benefit from the rise in demand for experienced CXOs.

Reasoning: The article highlights a growing preference for experienced professionals in specific CXO roles. This creates an opportunity for both established professionals and search firms catering to their placement.

  • Startups Gearing Up for IPO (Captain Fresh, Eduvanz): Hiring experienced leaders can instill confidence in investors and markets, potentially benefiting startups planning public listings.

Reasoning: The article mentions experienced leadership being seen favorably by investors. This could improve the market sentiment for startups with seasoned CXOs, especially those considering IPOs.

Market Sentiment Impact: Positive sentiment for established professionals, executive search firms, and startups with experienced leadership teams.

Indian Companies That May Lose:

  • Young Aspiring CEOs: The increased focus on experience might make it harder for young professionals to break into top leadership roles at startups.

Reasoning: The article suggests a shift towards prioritizing experience over youth for CXO positions. This could limit opportunities for young professionals seeking leadership roles in startups.

Market Sentiment Impact: Potentially negative sentiment for young professionals aiming for CEO positions in startups.

Global Companies:

The article focuses on the Indian startup ecosystem, and a direct impact on global companies is not mentioned. However, global executive search firms with a presence in India could benefit from the increased demand for experienced professionals.

Important Note: The actual impact on individual companies will depend on various factors beyond this news article, such as the specific needs of each startup, the candidate pool, and overall economic conditions.

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