

RBI Asks Banks to Look at Setting Up Central Fund to Pay Internal Ombudsmen

RBI suggests central fund for bank internal ombudsmen salaries. Analysis of potential impact on investors.

Source and citation: Tiwari, Dheeraj. “RBI Asks Banks to Look at Setting Up Central Fund to Pay Internal Ombudsmen.” The Economic Times, 17 Apr. 2024.


  • RBI proposes central fund to pay salaries of banks’ internal ombudsmen (IOs)
  • Aims to enhance IO independence and protect customer rights
  • RBI also suggests appointing sign language interpreters in banks
  • Customer complaints with RBI ombudsman up 68% in 2022-23
  • Concerns raised about implementation challenges due to varying compensation structures across banks

RBI Asks Banks to Look at Setting Up Central Fund to Pay Internal Ombudsmen

Analysis for a layman:

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the country’s central bank and banking sector regulator, has asked lenders to consider setting up a central fund to pay the salaries of their internal ombudsmen (IOs). An ombudsman is an official appointed to investigate and resolve complaints from customers. The RBI’s proposal aims to improve the independence of IOs, similar to how the salaries of Supreme Court judges are paid from the Consolidated Fund of India.

The RBI has also suggested that banks appoint sign language interpreters to assist customers with hearing and speech impairments. This move comes amidst a 68% increase in customer complaints to the RBI ombudsman in the 2022-23 financial year.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Investors should monitor the implementation of the central fund proposal and its impact on banks’ financials
  • Enhanced IO independence may lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty, potentially benefiting bank stocks
  • Improved customer service, such as sign language interpreters, could attract more customers to banks
  • Investors should keep an eye on banks’ efforts to address rising customer complaints and maintain trust

Impact on Industries:

  • Banking sector may face short-term challenges in implementing the central fund due to varying compensation structures
  • Increased focus on customer service could lead to additional costs for banks in the short term
  • Long-term benefits may include improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and potential growth in customer base
  • Companies providing sign language interpretation services and related technologies could see increased demand

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Enhanced independence of internal ombudsmen could lead to more effective resolution of customer complaints
  • Improved customer service and accessibility for hearing and speech-impaired customers
  • Potential increase in customer trust and loyalty towards banks


  • Implementation challenges due to varying compensation structures across banks
  • Possible resistance from banks due to additional costs involved in setting up the central fund and hiring interpreters
  • Risk of unintended consequences, such as reduced accountability of banks in addressing customer complaints

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Positive public perception of RBI’s efforts to protect customer rights and improve banking services
  • Increased awareness about the importance of accessible banking services for differently-abled customers
  • Potential short-term boost for companies providing sign language interpretation services


  • Banks may face initial hurdles in adapting to the proposed changes and aligning their internal processes
  • Possible short-term impact on banks’ financial performance due to additional costs incurred
  • Uncertainty regarding the timeline and effectiveness of the proposed measures

Companies Potentially Affected by RBI’s Proposal for Internal Ombudsman Fund

Indian Banks (Potential Impact):

  • Increased Costs (Uncertain):  The creation of a central fund could lead to additional costs for banks depending on how the fund is structured and contributions are determined.  The impact on individual banks could vary.
  • Enhanced Credibility of Internal Ombudsman (Positive):  If implemented, this move could strengthen the independence of internal ombudsmen and improve customer perception of their fairness in handling complaints.  This could benefit banks by potentially reducing the number of escalated complaints reaching the RBI ombudsman.

Uncertain Impact:

  • Indian Banks’ Association (IBA): The RBI may nudge IBA to manage the central fund. This would give IBA additional responsibility but the overall impact is uncertain.

Global Companies Not Likely Affected:

  • The proposal dotyczy (dotyczy – Polish for “concerns”) domestic Indian banks.

Overall Market Sentiment:

The news could be positive for the banking sector if the central fund strengthens the internal grievance redressal mechanism and reduces customer churn.  However, there is uncertainty regarding the potential cost impact on banks.

Important Note: This analysis is based on the information provided in the news article and general industry trends. Investors should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.

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