

NCLT Okays Shri Dutt’s Acquisition of Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co

Acquisition of Bankrupt Indian Sugar Company: Analysis for a Layman

Source: ET Bureau article published Feb 12, 2024 on NCLT approval for Shri Dutt consortium’s acquisition of debt-defaulted Indian Sugar Manufacturing Company.

Analysis for a Layman

The Indian Sugar Manufacturing Company faced over Rs 500 crore of creditor dues and was admitted into insolvency last year, defaulting on loans. Shri Dutt India and Shri Dutt Biofuels have now received NCLT approval to buy the company by paying Rs 175 crore to creditors. This concludes the corporate insolvency resolution process where the successful buyer takes over the assets and operations of the bankrupt company.

NCLT Okays Shri Dutt’s Acquisition of Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co

Impact on Retail Investors

  • Sugar Stocks Monitoring: Retail equity investors should monitor key listed sugar stocks such as Balrampur Chini, Dalmia Bharat Sugar. Price movements may be seen if the deal reflects industry-wide consolidation or asset acquisition trends.
  • Critical Variables: It’s also important to track sector debt levels, government policy support, and sugar price trends – critical variables affecting the industry.

Impact on Industries

Sugar Industry:

  • Potential for more distressed asset sales and acquisitions as the sector battles high debt levels.
  • Opportunity for large players to gain market share through consolidation of smaller units.


  • Banks take a haircut on loans but can clean up books and reduce future NPA risk exposure to sugar companies.
  • Precedent for more CIRP-led resolutions where assets change hands rather than liquidation.

Long Term Benefits

  • Industry Streamlining: Streamlining of the sugar industry through market-led consolidation into efficient players.
  • Capital Redeployment: Banks can redeploy freed-up capital to healthier sectors instead of restructuring bad sugar loans.

Long Term Negatives

  • Job Risks: Jobs at risk if asset acquisitions lead to restructuring and layoffs eventually.
  • Inefficiencies: Inefficiencies if conglomerates acquire sugar assets purely for integration or market share gains.

Short Term Benefits

  • Insolvency Process Template: Provides a template of successful insolvency process for debt-laden sectors.
  • Creditor and Investor Confidence: First step towards restoring creditor and investor confidence.

Short Term Negatives

  • Revival Risks: Acquirer takes on risk of reviving not just asset but whole sector dynamics.
  • Sector Stock Drag: Deal values suggestive of industry distress could drag down sector stocks initially.

Impact of Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Acquisition:

Disclaimer: This analysis is based on the provided information and may not capture all potential implications.

Directly Impacted Companies:


  • Shri Dutt India & Shri Dutt Biofuels: Acquisition at a significant discount (₹175 crore vs. liabilities of ₹523 crore) could improve their financial position and potentially expand their sugar production capacity. Positive market sentiment likely due to successful resolution and potential growth prospects.
  • Lenders of Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co.: Recovery of a portion of their dues (₹175 crore) could benefit their financial position and potentially improve sentiment towards the resolution process under CIRP.

Other Indian Sugar Companies:

  • Uncertain Impact: The impact on broader sugar industry depends on how Shri Dutt leverages the acquired assets and its overall strategy. It could create competition in some segments but might also stabilize sugar prices through increased production.

Global Companies:

  • Uncertain Impact: Difficult to quantify the direct impact on global sugar players. Indirectly, increased Indian sugar production could affect global sugar prices depending on various factors like export policies and global demand.

Market Sentiment:

  • Shri Dutt: Positive sentiment likely due to successful acquisition and potential growth prospects.
  • Lenders: Improved sentiment due to partial debt recovery.
  • Indian sugar industry: Mixed sentiment due to uncertainty about the impact of the acquisition on competition and prices.
  • Global sugar market: Limited impact on overall sentiment, with specific effects depending on future developments.
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