

Mercury Soars Close to 50°C in Parts of Delhi

Analyzing how Delhi’s extreme heat affects local markets, health services, and public companies.

Source and citation: “Mercury Soars Close to 50°C in Parts of Delhi” by PTI, Last Updated: May 29, 2024.

TLDR For This Article:

Delhi experiences near-record temperatures close to 50°C, impacting public health and potentially straining local utilities and services.

Mercury Soars Close to 50°C in Parts of Delhi

Analysis of this news for a layman:

Delhi has hit near-record temperatures, causing significant discomfort and health risks for its residents. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has reported temperatures as high as 49.9°C in some outskirts, with city centers also experiencing extreme heat. This unusual weather is due to hot winds from Rajasthan and is expected to persist, prompting the IMD to issue a red alert. High temperatures can lead to heat strokes and other heat-related illnesses, stressing both healthcare facilities and public resources.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Increased Demand for Cooling Solutions: Investors might see growth in companies that offer air conditioning and refrigeration.
  • Utility Stocks: High temperatures typically lead to higher electricity consumption, which could boost the performance of utility stocks.
  • Healthcare Services: Hospitals and emergency care providers may see an uptick in demand, which could influence healthcare stocks.

Impact on Industries:

  • Energy and Utilities: Increased use of air conditioners and cooling systems will likely lead to higher electricity demand, impacting utility companies’ operations and profitability.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals and clinics are likely to experience higher footfall, which could strain resources but also increase healthcare services revenue.
  • Consumer Goods: Companies selling hydration products like bottled water and electrolyte drinks might see temporary spikes in sales.

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Infrastructure Development: Persistent high temperatures could accelerate investment in energy infrastructure and urban planning to mitigate heat effects.
  • Innovation in Cooling Technologies: There could be increased investment in innovative cooling technologies and sustainable building materials.


  • Health Risks: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures poses serious health risks, increasing the long-term burden on healthcare systems.
  • Economic Disruption: If extreme heat becomes more common, it could disrupt economic activities, particularly in outdoor and non-air-conditioned environments.

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Boost in Specific Sectors: Short-term boosts for air conditioning, refrigeration, and beverage industries due to increased demand.
  • Public Awareness: Increased awareness about climate change and its immediate impacts might lead to better preparedness.


  • Operational Disruptions: Businesses may face operational challenges, including reduced productivity and increased costs for cooling.
  • Increased Energy Costs: Higher electricity demand can lead to increased energy costs for businesses and households alike.

Public Companies and Impact:

  • Voltas Ltd: As a leading air conditioner manufacturer, Voltas could see an increase in sales during prolonged heatwaves.
  • NTPC Ltd: Higher demand for electricity might boost revenues for major power utility companies like NTPC.
  • Apollo Hospitals: As one of India’s largest healthcare chains, Apollo could see an increase in patients due to heat-related illnesses.

How This Affects Retail Investors and Lessons: Retail investors should consider the impacts of climate-related events like heatwaves on different sectors. Understanding which industries are likely to benefit or suffer from these events can guide investment decisions. Additionally, investors should assess the resilience of their investments against climate risks, as extreme weather becomes more frequent.

Companies Potentially Affected by Heatwave in Delhi

Indian Companies Likely to Gain:

  • Beverage Companies: Increased demand for hydrating drinks like bottled water, buttermilk (lassi), and packaged juices during the heatwave could benefit companies like Dabur, Coca-Cola India, and PepsiCo India. Their sales volumes could rise in the short term.
  • Electrolyte and Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) Providers: Companies like Abbott India (PediaLite) and Zydus Cadila (Electrol) could see a rise in demand for their electrolyte and ORS products as people look to prevent dehydration.
  • Air Conditioner and Cooler Manufacturers: Increased heat could lead to a surge in demand for air conditioners and coolers. Companies like Voltas, Havells, and Bajaj Electric could benefit from this short-term rise in sales.
  • Power Companies: Higher temperatures could lead to increased power consumption for air conditioners and coolers. Companies like NTPC and Power Grid Corporation could see a rise in electricity demand. However, the impact might be partially offset by lower industrial activity due to the heat.

Indian Companies Likely to Lose:

  • Companies Dependent on Manual Labor: Construction companies, brick kilns, and other industries that rely heavily on outdoor manual labor could see disruptions due to the heatwave. This could lead to lower productivity and potential project delays.

Uncertain Impact:

  • Retailers: The heatwave could dampen overall consumer spending due to people staying indoors. However, it could also lead to increased demand for specific products mentioned above. The net impact on retailers is unclear.
  • Tourism Industry: The scorching heat might deter tourists from visiting Delhi, potentially impacting hotels, travel agencies, and related businesses.

Global Companies:

  • The impact on global companies would likely be indirect. For instance, a beverage company like PepsiCo might benefit if its Indian subsidiary sees a rise in sales.

Overall, the heatwave is likely to have a mixed impact on Indian companies. Some sectors might see a short-term boost in sales, while others could face disruptions.

Note: The actual impact would depend on the severity and duration of the heatwave.

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