

Korean AI Bot ‘Featured’ on Google Play

South Korean Startup’s AI Chatbot “Hellobot” Makes History on Google Play Store, Potential Impacts for Industries

Source: IANS news article published on Feb 12, 2024 about Thingsflow’s AI chatbot “Hellobot” being selected as “Global Featured” on Google Play store.

Analysis for a Layman

Thingsflow, a South Korean startup, developed an AI chatbot platform called Hellobot where users can create unique chatbots for purposes like fortune telling or personality analysis. Hellobot was selected as “Global Featured” on Google Play store, making it the first Korean chatbot featured this way. This expands its availability to overseas users. Thingsflow aims to be the first B2C chatbot company to achieve profitability.

Korean AI Bot ‘Featured’ on Google Play

Impact on Retail Investors

  • Exposure to Innovation: Provides exposure to a promising AI startup in Thingsflow if retail investors want to invest in innovative tech companies.
  • Market Potential: Shows the growing market potential for AI chatbots for customer service, e-commerce, entertainment, etc. Might be worth looking into public chatbot companies.
  • Investment Tracking: As Thingsflow is still private, retail investors cannot invest directly but can track chatbot/AI sector stocks.

Impact on Industries

Customer Service Industry:

  • More demand for chatbots to automate customer queries and provide 24/7 service. Companies that provide chatbot solutions could benefit.


  • E-commerce sites may adopt chatbots for personalized recommendations and as sales assistants. Could reduce customer acquisition costs.


  • Unique chatbots with expertise in areas like fortune telling appeal to users and have monetization potential.

Long Term Benefits

  • Diverse Business Applications: Expansion of AI into diverse customer-facing business applications through automated conversational agents.
  • Cost Savings: Cost savings for businesses through automation of customer service and sales queries via AI.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalized, immersive, and intelligent customer experiences via evolving chatbot capabilities.

Long Term Negatives

  • Job Losses: Could lead to the loss of some human jobs in customer service roles.
  • Cybersecurity Threats: Cybersecurity threats due to large-scale harvesting of personal data by chatbots.
  • Ethical Concerns: Ethical issues around AI conversations mimicking human behavior or emotions.

Short Term Benefits

  • Boost for Thingsflow: Immediate boost for Thingsflow via the global launch of its chatbot platform on Google Play store.
  • Investor Validation: Validates investor interest and market appetite for AI/chatbot startups globally.

Short Term Negatives

  • Increased Competition: Increased competition for incumbents providing customer service chatbots.
  • Privacy Concerns: Adds to ongoing concerns around the privacy of user data collected by chatbots..

Impact of Korean AI Bot on Google Play

Disclaimer: This analysis is based on the provided information and may not capture all potential implications.

Directly Impacted Companies:


  • Thingsflow: Increased global exposure and user base due to the “Global Featured” selection could lead to higher app downloads, user engagement, and potential revenue growth. This could improve market sentiment towards Thingsflow, especially among investors interested in the AI chatbot space.

Uncertain Impact:

  • Google: Difficult to quantify the direct impact on Google. Increased user engagement with chatbots on Google Play could benefit them. However, it’s unclear if Hellobot specifically will drive significant user growth for Google Play.

Not Directly Impacted:

  • Indian and other global chatbot developers: The impact depends on various factors like their target audience, app features, and competitive landscape. Some might see increased competition from Hellobot, while others might benefit from the overall growth of the chatbot market.

Market Sentiment:

  • Thingsflow: Positive sentiment likely due to the prestigious “Global Featured” selection and potential for growth.
  • Google: Unclear impact on overall market sentiment.
  • Chatbot market: Potentially positive sentiment due to increased awareness and potential user adoption.

Additional Notes:

  • The long-term impact depends on Hellobot’s sustained success and user engagement.
  • Regulatory changes or platform policies could alter the landscape.
  • This is a specific event, and generalizing its impact on broader markets or industries is challenging.
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