

Kirloskar’s NBFC Turns Focus to MSME Loans to Reduce Risks

Kirloskar’s NBFC, Arka Fincap, shifts focus to MSME loans to minimize risk and capitalize on growth in smaller markets.

Source and citation: ET Bureau

TLDR For This Article:

Kirloskar’s NBFC, Arka Fincap, is pivoting its loan portfolio towards the MSME sector to reduce exposure to riskier wholesale credits, aiming for a safer and potentially more profitable future.

Kirloskar’s NBFC Turns Focus to MSME Loans to Reduce Risks


Analysis of this news for a layman:

Arka Fincap, owned by the Kirloskar Group, is changing its business strategy by focusing more on providing loans to medium and small-scale industries (MSMEs), rather than larger, wholesale clients. This shift is intended to reduce financial risks and tap into the growing potential of smaller businesses across India, particularly in tier-2 and tier-3 cities.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Diversified Portfolio: Investors might see Arka Fincap as a more stable investment opportunity due to its diversified risk.
  • Potential for Growth: With a focus on MSMEs, Arka Fincap is poised to capitalize on a rapidly expanding sector, potentially increasing its profitability.
  • Stock Stability: The strategic shift can lead to greater stability in Kirloskar’s stock, making it a more attractive option for conservative investors.

Impact on Industries:

  • Banking and Finance: Other NBFCs might follow Arka Fincap’s lead, increasing competition in the MSME lending space.
  • MSME Sector: Increased access to finance for MSMEs could spur growth in this sector, leading to higher employment and economic activity.
  • Real Estate: Expansion of branch networks could boost demand for commercial real estate in smaller cities.

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Sustainable Growth: By focusing on MSMEs, Arka Fincap could achieve more sustainable growth with reduced default risks compared to wholesale lending.
  • Economic Impact: Supporting MSMEs can have a broader economic impact, fostering innovation and job creation in the ecosystem.


  • Market Saturation: As more entities crowd into the MSME lending space, competition could squeeze margins and lead to aggressive lending practices.
  • Operational Challenges: Scaling operations to support a higher volume of smaller loans requires robust management and can increase operational costs.

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Immediate Market Response: The market might respond positively to Arka Fincap’s strategic pivot, viewing it as a proactive approach to risk management.
  • Brand Strengthening: Associating with the Kirloskar heritage could enhance Arka Fincap’s brand, attracting more clients.


  • Adjustment Period: Short-term challenges in adjusting the portfolio and operational model to focus on MSMEs might impact performance.
  • Resource Allocation: Significant resources will be required to train staff, set up additional branches, and develop tailored financial products for the MSME sector.

Companies Potentially Affected by Arka Fincap’s MSME Lending Focus

The article discusses Kirloskar Group’s NBFC, Arka Fincap, shifting its focus towards MSME loans. This could benefit some companies and have a neutral impact on others.

Indian Companies Likely to Gain:

  • Arka Fincap: The shift towards MSME loans, considered less risky than wholesale credit, could improve Arka Fincap’s long-term financial stability.
  • MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises): Increased focus on MSME lending by Arka Fincap creates an opportunity for these businesses to access credit, potentially boosting their growth.

Reasoning: The article highlights Arka Fincap’s intention to reduce risk and grow its MSME loan portfolio. This translates to easier loan access for MSMEs.

  • Kirloskar Group (Brand Image): Leveraging the Kirloskar brand for Arka Fincap could enhance its reputation and attract more MSME customers.

Reasoning: The article mentions Arka Fincap’s plan to build its brand around Kirloskar’s heritage, potentially improving brand perception.

Market Sentiment Impact: Positive for Arka Fincap if the MSME lending strategy proves successful. Positive for MSMEs if they can access credit and grow their businesses. Positive for Kirloskar Group if the brand association with Arka Fincap strengthens their image.

Indian Companies That May Not Be Affected:

  • Other NBFCs: The article focuses on Arka Fincap’s specific strategy shift. Other NBFCs with different lending focuses are unlikely to be directly affected.

Important Note: The actual impact on individual companies will depend on various factors beyond this news article, such as Arka Fincap’s execution of its MSME lending strategy, overall credit demand from MSMEs, and the performance of the Indian economy.

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