

GCCs Accelerate India Office Space Leasing in FY24

Unpack how Global Capability Centers are transforming India’s office leasing landscape and what it means for investors.

Source and citation: “GCCs Accelerate India Office Space Leasing in FY24” by Faizan Haidar, ET Bureau, May 29, 2024.

TLDR For This Article:

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are significantly boosting office space leasing in India, with a notable 17% increase in FY24, impacting various sectors.

GCCs Accelerate India Office Space Leasing in FY24

Analysis of this news for a layman:

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are offshore units of multinational corporations focused on leveraging global talent pools to support their worldwide operations. In India, GCCs have increasingly contributed to the demand for office spaces, registering a significant year-on-year growth. This trend highlights India’s growing role as a major hub for multinational business operations due to its cost-effective and skilled workforce.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Opportunities in Real Estate: Growing demand for office spaces can be a boon for real estate investment trusts (REITs) and stocks related to commercial real estate.
  • Diversified Portfolio: Investors might consider diversifying their investments into sectors benefiting from GCC expansion, like technology and BFSI.
  • Market Insights: Understanding trends in GCC growth can provide retail investors with insights into the health of the commercial real estate market and potential future growth areas.

Impact on Industries:

  • Real Estate: Increased demand for office space from GCCs directly benefits the real estate sector, especially in metropolitan areas.
  • Construction: With more office spaces needed, the construction industry could see increased demand for new projects.
  • Technology and BFSI: These sectors are particularly influential in the expansion of GCCs, potentially leading to higher demand for specialized office spaces.

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Economic Growth: Increased office leasing is a positive indicator of economic activity and can lead to broader economic benefits.
  • Job Creation: Expansion of GCCs is likely to create numerous jobs, adding to economic stability.


  • Infrastructure Strain: Rapid growth in office space demand could strain existing urban infrastructures.
  • Market Saturation: Over time, there could be a risk of oversupply in office spaces if the growth of GCCs stabilizes or slows.

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Immediate Boost to Real Estate: Short-term surges in demand for office spaces can benefit investors and developers in the commercial real estate market.
  • Increased Services Demand: Businesses catering to office environments, such as IT and facility management services, may see increased demand.


  • Rental Price Fluctuations: Rapid increases in demand could lead to volatility in rental prices, potentially impacting smaller businesses.

Public Companies and Impact:

  • DLF Ltd: As a major player in commercial real estate, DLF could benefit from increased demand for office spaces.
  • Infosys Ltd: As a technology giant that also utilizes GCCs, Infosys may expand its operations, impacting its stock positively.
  • HDFC Bank: As part of the BFSI sector, HDFC could see benefits from the financial activities associated with GCC expansions.

How This Affects Retail Investors and Lessons: Retail investors can learn about the dynamic nature of the real estate market influenced by global economic activities. By observing trends in GCC growth, investors can anticipate shifts in real estate demand and make informed decisions. Additionally, the expansion of GCCs highlights the importance of sectors like technology and BFSI in driving commercial real estate trends, offering targeted investment opportunities.

Companies Potentially Affected by Increased Leasing by Global Capability Centers (GCCs) in India

Indian Companies Likely to Gain:

  • Commercial Real Estate Developers: Companies like DLF, Godrej Properties, Brigade Group, and Mahindra Lifespace are likely to benefit from the increased demand for office space driven by GCCs. Higher occupancy rates and potentially rising rental rates could boost their financial performance.
  • Office Space Providers: Companies that provide flexible workspace solutions could also see a rise in demand as mentioned in the report. WeWork India, Smartworks, and Innov8 could benefit from this trend.
  • Consulting and Advisory Firms: The report highlights potential growth for firms offering consultancy services like CBRE (mentioned in the article) in areas like real estate advisory and transaction services.

Uncertain Impact:

  • Smaller Real Estate Players: While the overall office space market is expected to grow, smaller developers might face competition from larger established players with resources to cater to the specific needs of GCCs.

Indian Companies Likely to Lose:

  • Companies Located in Non-Preferred Office Locations: The report suggests that GCCs are concentrated in certain cities and sectors. Companies located in areas with lower GCC demand might see slower growth in office rentals.

Global Companies Likely to Gain:

  • MNCs with Existing GCCs in India: The continued growth of GCCs in India benefits multinational corporations that already have a presence in the country. They can leverage the large talent pool and cost advantages to expand their operations.

Global Companies Likely to Lose:

  • MNCs Considering Setting Up GCCs in Other Locations: India’s growing dominance in the GCC space could make it a less attractive option for some MNCs considering other locations in Asia or Eastern Europe.

Overall, the increased leasing activity by GCCs is a positive sign for the Indian commercial real estate sector. Real estate developers, office space providers, and consulting firms are likely to benefit. However, the impact on individual companies would depend on their specific location and service offerings.

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