

‘Concretisation and Humidity Worsening Heat Stress in Cities’

Delve into how increasing urban heat affects industries, investments, and the economic landscape in India’s megacities.

Source and citation: “‘Concretisation and Humidity Worsening Heat Stress in Cities’” by PTI, May 29, 2024.

TLDR For This Article:

Urbanization and rising humidity are intensifying heat stress in India’s largest cities, affecting night-time cooling and exacerbating public health risks.

‘Concretisation and Humidity Worsening Heat Stress in Cities’

Analysis of this news for a layman:

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) reports that India’s major cities are experiencing increased heat stress due to more concrete and higher humidity levels. This means these urban areas are not cooling down at night as they used to, which can lead to increased health risks because cooler night temperatures are crucial for human bodies to recover from the day’s heat. The CSE’s findings highlight the need for comprehensive urban planning that includes effective heat management to mitigate these effects.

Impact on Retail Investors:

  • Sector Sensitivity: Understanding which sectors are vulnerable to heat increases can guide investment decisions.
  • Real Estate Caution: Investors in real estate need to be wary of the long-term viability of developments in high-heat areas.
  • Sustainable Investments: There could be a shift toward investments in companies that focus on sustainability and innovative cooling technologies.

Impact on Industries:

  • Construction and Real Estate: Developers might face increased costs and regulatory pressures to incorporate sustainable and heat-resistant materials and designs.
  • Energy Sector: Demand for electricity could spike due to higher usage of air conditioning systems, benefiting utility companies but also straining energy grids.
  • Healthcare: Increased temperatures are likely to lead to more heat-related illnesses, potentially boosting the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.

Long Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Innovation in Building Materials: New opportunities for companies developing heat-resistant construction materials and green building solutions.
  • Growth in Green Energy: Increased demand for renewable energy solutions as cities seek to reduce their heat footprint and energy consumption.


  • Urban Planning Challenges: Cities may struggle with adapting existing infrastructure to cope with higher temperatures.
  • Health Risks: Persistent high temperatures could lead to a long-term increase in health-related expenditures and affect public health.

Short Term Benefits & Negatives:


  • Quick Gains for HVAC and Cooling Solutions: Companies providing cooling solutions may see a surge in demand.
  • Enhanced Public Awareness: Immediate effects of heat may drive quicker implementation of green policies and technologies.


  • Operational Disruptions: Businesses may experience disruptions due to heat-related employee health issues and power outages.
  • Increased Operational Costs: Companies may face higher costs for air conditioning and cooling, impacting profitability.

Public Companies and Impact:

  • Havells India Ltd: Known for its electrical gear and home appliances, including air conditioners, could see an increase in demand.
  • Godrej Properties Ltd: Might need to invest more in innovative construction technologies to make buildings more sustainable and appealing.
  • Adani Green Energy Ltd: Could benefit from a push towards more sustainable energy solutions in urban areas.

How This Affects Retail Investors and Lessons: Retail investors should consider the implications of climate change and urbanization on their investments. By focusing on companies that innovate in sustainability, energy efficiency, and healthcare, investors can potentially mitigate risks associated with rising urban temperatures. Awareness of these trends is crucial for making informed decisions about where to allocate investment capital.

Companies Potentially Affected by Worsening Heat Stress in Indian Cities

Indian Companies Likely to Gain:

  • Green Roof Solution Providers: Companies specializing in green roof technology and rooftop gardens could see increased demand as a potential solution to mitigate heat stress in buildings.
  • Cool Roof Coating Providers: Companies that manufacture and sell cool roof coatings that reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption in buildings could benefit from this trend.
  • Energy Efficiency Solution Providers: Companies offering energy efficient air conditioning solutions and building insulation materials could see higher demand due to the need to manage heat within buildings.

Uncertain Impact:

  • Construction Companies: The report highlights the negative impact of concretization on urban heat stress. In the long term, there could be a shift towards building practices that use less concrete and incorporate green spaces. However, this could also disrupt construction companies in the short term.
  • Real Estate Companies: The increasing heat stress could lead to a preference for homes with features that mitigate heat, potentially impacting the value or demand for existing properties.

Indian Companies Likely to Lose:

  • Companies Dependent on Outdoor Labor: Similar to the previous heatwave analysis, companies in sectors like construction, brick manufacturing, and street vendors that rely on outdoor manual labor could see disruptions due to worsening heat stress.

Global Companies:

  • The impact on global companies would likely be indirect. For instance, a company that manufactures green roof materials could benefit if its Indian subsidiary sees increased sales.

Overall, the worsening heat stress in Indian cities is likely to create a market for solutions that mitigate the urban heat island effect. Companies offering relevant technologies and materials could benefit. Construction and real estate sectors could face challenges in the long term.

Note: The actual impact would depend on the policy initiatives taken by the government and the willingness of businesses and consumers to adopt heat mitigation solutions.

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