Analyzing Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd : Stock Analysis December 2023

Fundamental Analysis of RVNL - Financials, Future Plans & More


The analysis and opinions provided are for educational and informational purposes only. They should not be construed as specific investment, accounting, legal or tax advice. 

Should We Buy, Sell or Hold This Stock and Why?

The company has a decent OPM of 6%, low debt to equity ratio of 0.76, high promoter holding of 73%, no pledged shares, and good EPS growth. However, cash equivalents have decreased. Valuations seem fair with P/E of 24. I would recommend holding the stock.

  • Buy Signal Indicators:
    • Low Debt to Equity Ratio: At 0.76, it’s relatively low, indicating a manageable level of debt.
    • Promoter Holding Constant/Increasing: There’s been a significant decrease in promoter holding over the last quarter (-5.36%), which is a concern.
    • Low Pledged Holding: 0.00% pledged percentage is positive.
    • Improving OPM: OPM at 6.11% is moderate but stable.
    • Lower PE than Industry: Stock P/E is 24.1, lower than the industry average of 30.0, which is favorable.
  • Sell/No Buy Indicators:
    • Decreasing Promoter Holding: The recent decrease in promoter holding may be a red flag.
    • High PE compared to Historical Averages: The current PE might be higher compared to historical standards for RVNL.
  • Caution Indicators:
    • Moderate OPM and PE: While not negative, these don’t strongly favor either buying or selling.

Vital Company Ratios for a Layman:

  • Debt to Equity: 0.76 (moderately leveraged)
  • OPM: 6.11% (moderate operational efficiency)
  • Stock P/E: 24.1 (lower than industry average)
  • ROCE: 17.8% (good capital utilization)
  • ROE: 20.8% (strong return on equity)
  • OPM: 6%
  • Debt/Equity: 0.76
  • Promoter Holding: 73%
  • P/E: 24.1
  • EPS Growth (3Yrs): 23%

Competing Companies and Performance Comparison:

Competing companies are NCC, PNC Infratech. This company has higher sales growth, OPM and ROCE compared to competitors.

  • Compared to peers like Macrotech Developers and NCC, RVNL has a lower P/E ratio, suggesting better valuation.
  • RVNL’s ROCE is competitive within its industry, indicating efficient use of capital.

Overvalued or Undervalued?

Based on the P/E ratio of 24.1 which is lower than industry average of 30, the stock appears fairly valued currently.

  • The stock’s P/E ratio is lower than the industry average, suggesting it may be undervalued. However, the decrease in promoter holding could be a concern.

Should We Buy This Stock and Why?

I would consider holding the stock instead of buying more at current levels. The financial performance and growth prospects are decent but valuations are fair. The healthy dividend yield offers returns while holding.

  • Reasons to consider Buying: Lower P/E ratio, low debt, good ROE, and ROCE.
  • Concerns: Decrease in promoter holding and moderate OPM.

Industry Growth:

The construction industry is expected to grow at 7-8% supported by government infrastructure spending. This offers reasonable growth potential.

  • As a company involved in rail infrastructure, RVNL is likely to benefit from the growing focus on infrastructure development in India.

Long Term Performance:

Long term outlook looks positive driven by industry growth trends. The company is well placed to deliver 15-18% EPS growth over next 3-5 years.

  • The company shows potential for long-term growth given the consistent demand for infrastructure development, but investor caution is advised due to fluctuating promoter holdings.

Short Term Performance:

In the near term, limited upside is likely owing to fair valuations. Stock may remain range bound but provide steady dividend yields.

  • In the short term, the stock may experience volatility due to changes in government policies and economic conditions.

In summary, RVNL presents a mixed picture. It has strong fundamentals in terms of low debt, good ROE, and a lower P/E ratio than the industry average. However, the recent decrease in promoter holding and only moderate OPM warrant caution. Investors should consider these factors along with their risk tolerance and investment horizon before making a decision.

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